My Father's Biggest Regret " I wish I gave her more flowers"
In 1997 My Father was in Royal Perth hospital dying of lymphoid Cancer , I was 15 years old as I stood next to his hospital bed. I asked my father does he have any regrets which he replied he wished he gave my mum more flowers. I didn't really understand why he said that because he always gave my mum flowers, for birthdays, adversaries and speical occasion and at times would pick flowers from the garden and give to my mum. When My dad died, the flowers stopped and my mum would always admire the flowers at the shops or peoples gardens, and her own garden. My mum always would give my kids flowers to give to me , and I would buy her flowers too on speical occasions .
When mum past away from cancer in 2021 the flowers once again stopped , but I started to see flowers differently. I was a reminded of my dad wishing he gave my mum more flowers, and everytime I saw a flower that stood out I would think of my mum and whisper thats from dad. I started to take photos of flowers when I was out and about, and I came up with a speical honor for both my parents so I dedicated my flower designs in memory of my mum the collection I called CATHYLOVE. Now she can have flowers all the time, and not only that other people can enjoy the flower designs too!